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sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online Malcolm Gladwell he Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Download eboo

"The best way to understand the dramatic transformation of unknown books into bestsellers, or the rise of teenage smoking, or the phenomena of word of mouth or any number of the other mysterious changes that mark everyday life," writes Malcolm Gladwell, "is to think of them as epidemics. Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread just like viruses do." Although anyone familiar with the theory of memetics will recognize this concept, Gladwell's The Tipping Point has quite a few interesting twists on the subject.

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online Malcolm Gladwell

he Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Download ebook

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online SIGMUND FREUD LA INTERPRETACIÓN DE LOS SUEÑOS clica aqui, click here download

La obra introduce el concepto de Yo, y describe la teoría de Freud del inconsciente en lo que concierne a la interpretación de los sueños. Los sueños, desde el punto de vista freudiano, constituyen formas de "cumplimiento de deseo" — tentativas del inconsciente para resolver un conflicto de alguna clase, ya sea algo reciente o algo procedente de lo más hondo del pasado (más tarde en Más allá del Principio de Placer Freud hablaría de los sueños que no parecían constituirse en cumplimiento de deseo). Sin embargo, debido a que la información en el inconsciente se encuentra en una indomable y a menudo perturbadora forma, un "censor" en el preconsciente no permitirá que pase inalterada a la consciencia. Durante los sueños, el preconsciente es más laxo en este deber que en horas de vigilia, pero todavía está atento: como tal, el inconsciente debe falsear y deformar el sentido de su información para que pueda pasar a través de la censura. Así, las imágenes en los sueños a menudo no son lo que parecen ser, según Freud, y necesitan de una profunda interpretación para que puedan informarnos sobre las estructuras del inconsciente.

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online SIGMUND FREUD LA INTERPRETACIÓN DE LOS SUEÑOS clica aqui, click here download

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

The electronic book opens price war in the publishing industry

1. • The manufacturer of the Kindle is endangering their domain before the outbreak of the Apple iPad tablet
2. • Amazon stock falls after ceding to pressure to exaggerate their volumes MacMillan

To view the chart in PDF click on the image.
To view the chart in PDF click on the image.


* Google is working on ideas for a tablet with Chrome
* POLL: Do you intend to buy an eBook?
* Google Spain calls for the law ceases scan literary titles
* Article by Ernest Folch 'Promised Land'
* A woman from his home to save a man lost in a sea of ice through a webcam


The publishing industry has emerged as a key player in the new war e-book, open after Apple unveiled the iPad, a tablet that also functions as a reader (e-book). In the first battle of this war, has fallen the first victim: Amazon. The online store and manufacturer of the Kindle, industry-leading e-book, has been forced to change their pricing pressure from publishers, in an unprecedented decision that has cost the stock market crash. The actions came to losing 9% on Monday to close the session with a fall of 5.21%. Yesterday, the losses touched another 2%, but closed flat.
The first step was taken by MacMillan, a major U.S. publishing houses, requiring the weekend to Amazon to allow him to sell their developments above the $ 9.99 price set by the store. Amazon responded by withdrawing his tent-Macmillan titles in its catalog that is selling like Dan Brown and literary classics as Lewis Carroll and Rudyard Kipling, "but recanted within hours. "We will have to capitulate and accept the terms of MacMillan because they have a monopoly on certain titles, and will have to offer but prices should necessarily be higher", he justified the company on line on Sunday. MacMillan's victory was welcomed by the publishing industry, he sees an opportunity to expand its margins in a market that until now controlled by Amazon, to benefit from its dominant position. MacMillan's case could now encourage other publishers to also ask higher prices.
In the reverse Amazon is about Apple's announcement that it will allow publishers to price books and his store, iBook Store, will act as sales agency. Precisely, MacMillan is one of the five publishers that have signed agreements with the company of the block to sell their works through the Apple Store. Hachette, HarperCollins, Penguin and Simon & Schuster will also offer its catalog on this platform.

THE IPAD, MORE EXPENSIVE / The iPad will reach U.S. stores in late March (and in summer in Europe) and costs between 360 and 600 euros. The Kindle sells for 185 euros (basic) and EUR 350 (DX). Although no official figures, is estimated to have sold some three million Kindle since its launch in 2007.
War e-book takes a new spirit when Google launched its own platform for e-books, Google Edition. The initial offer will be half a million titles that, in principle, be read in any existing device.

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Der Ausdruck "e-Buch beginnt mit einer E, wie wir immer erklärt haben, auf elektronischem Wege. Es ist ein" electronic book ", daher.

Der Ausdruck "e-Buch beginnt mit einer E, wie wir immer erklärt haben, auf elektronischem Wege. Es ist ein" electronic book ", daher.

Aber das Buch kann zweierlei bedeuten, wie in:

* Ich habe ein Buch auf den Boden fällt
* Ich habe ein Buch geschrieben

Im ersten Fall bezieht sich wohl auf dem Festland ( "Set viele Blätter aus Papier oder anderen ähnlichen Material, das gebunden, bilden ein Band"), und der zweite den Inhalt (wissenschaftliche, literarische oder eine andere Erweiterung genug, um Form, die kann gedruckt werden oder einem anderen Medium, "sind die beiden Definitionen der neuesten Ausgabe des Wörterbuchs der Akademie). Die Aufforderung, sich zu differenzieren, book1 und libro2

Und manchmal, weiß niemand, was genau eine Rede:

* Ich mag dieses Buch ... (während sie streichelt)

Nun, man kann auf dem Gebiet des elektronischen Publizierens das Gleiche tun, oder noch komplizierter:

* Eine E-book1, oder electrónico1 Buch ist "speziellen Gerät, dh ein Gerät, das jemand gemacht hat, nur dazu dienen, electrónicos2 Bücher zu lesen. Ist" Mehrweg-Flaschen ", die wir je gesprochen.

E-book1 Italienisch Myfriend

Eine E-book2 oder Email2 Buch ist das Werk lesen wir in einem elektronischen Gerät.

Die Bücher haben in der Regel proprietären Formaten electrónicos1: ein Spiel (oder Buch Email2) für ein Modell gekauft kann nicht gelesen werden. Heute gibt es verschiedene Modelle in verschiedenen Stadien der Umsetzung: links.

Electrónicos2 Bücher, nicht nur in electrónicos1 Bücher zu lesen, sondern auch auf Geräte eignen sich auch für andere Dinge wie zum Beispiel:

Computer: hier ist ein Titel auf dem Bildschirm eines Computers angezeigt:

ein Kalender, ein digitaler Assistent, Pocket PC, oder wie wir es gerne nennen:

The Importance of beeing Ernest, von Oscar Wilde in Microsoft Reader-Format, in ein Tagebuch Compaq

Email2 Aber ein Buch ist immer eine Datei (die ein-Editor auf das Netzwerk wurde oder wir kaufen, in eine virtuelle Bibliothek), und stieg aus oder auf Ihren Computer heruntergeladen, in dessen Inneren hat zu diesem Bild:

Das Archiv der Bedeutung der beeing Ernest: Der zweite von rechts

Um eine dieser Dateien in ein lesbares Programmen werden die Leser zu konvertieren, z. B. Adobe PDF eBook Reader oder Microsoft Reader (Links). Diese Programme machen einen Satz von Daten in ein lesbares Buch, manchmal ein klassisches Aussehen vertraut:

Ein Rattle von Kies, Essay von der Gesellschaft im Adobe BookVirtual veröffentlicht

Die Programme ermöglichen den Lesern der Bücher Seiten electrónicos2 passieren kann, und manchmal zu unterstreichen und der Gäste. In der Regel geben die Möglichkeit, dem Leser die Größe oder Fließtext. Aber sie haben auch Systeme, die sich nicht gelesen werden können, wenn nicht bezahlt, die ein Gerät auf ein Werk installiert verhindern, in die andere, und so weiter. Wie in der Welt der Software, in der Regel ein Werk geschaffen für ein System nicht lesen können, eine andere. Formate sind schreibgeschützt orientierten Bildschirm als Ausdruck der Arbeit.

Aber es sind universelle Programme, die als Software-Leser laufen kann, zum Beispiel: Browser oder Internet-Browser:

Ein neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Arbeit in der virtuellen Bibliothek Miguel de Cervantes

Ein Internet-Browser-Programm liest Werke in HTML codiert, die Sprache des Web. Legen Sie die Seite auf die gewünschte Größe oder die Schriftgröße verändern. Die Arbeiten in diesem Format ist offen für jeden, der Pass an einen anderen Leser, drucken oder Computer zu ändern. Viele Einzelpersonen und INTITUCIONES im Netzwerk frei machen Werke der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung: links.

Schließlich electrónicos2 Bücher, die eine virtuelle Existenz haben, wie Dateien, die den Autor oder Herausgeber, bis zu dem Zeitpunkt ein Leser möchte eins zu kaufen, und dann ausgedruckt und gebunden spart. Diese werden als Instant-Bücher oder Print on Demand: links.


Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader:

Microsoft Reader

electrónicos2 Buchhandlungen:


Barnes & Noble:

electrónicos2 Verlage:

BookVirtual Corporation

Öffnen Sie Works (in HTML):

Zum Beispiel diese Geschichte von mir:

Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes:


Eine On-Demand-Publishing-Projekte an der Universität von Salamanca

Youcantouch: Redakteur der eigenen Instant-Kunst Bücher:

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online Paulo Coelho EL DEMONIO Y LA SEÑORITA PRYM clica aqui, click here download

A Viscos, un pequeño pueblo perdido en el tiempo y en el espacio, llega un día un misterioso hombre que, abatido por sus desgracias personales, que ha dejado todo cuanto tenía y se ha lanzado a buscar la respuesta a ¿El ser humano es en esencia bueno o malo? En Viscos, pueblo elegido al azar, hace una proposición a la primera persona que ve: Chantal Prym. Si matan a una persona, sea cual fuere, en menos de una semana, dará al pueblo once lingotes de oro.

El autor ahonda en los problemas de conciencia de Chantal, que no sabe si contarle esto al pueblo o no. Cuando al final lo hace, tras mucho pensar, los habitantes deciden acabar con la persona más anciana del pueblo: Berta, a quien duermen, ella resignada no puede hacer nada, hasta que Chantal impide que la maten contando un par de verdades que respectan a todo el pueblo, el extranjero entrega el dinero a Chantal yendose del pueblo y así termina la historia. Pero, el ser humano, en esencia: ¿Es bueno o malo? A cada momento el autor plantea distintos aspectos en la vida de cada ser humano, tales como el miedo, el terror o la cobardía, hacíendo reflexionar a sus lectores.

Pero de igual forma podemos notar que cada ser humano es un mundo, con sus propios conflictos, tomando decisiones y tratando de acertar en ellas.

Este libro nos ayuda a ver las contradicciones y los retos que se deben enfrentar en esta vida y lo más importante a darnos cuenta que toda decisión que tomamos conlleva una serie de consecuencias, y nos lleva a suscitar interrogantes como: ¿Somos capaces de hacer lo correcto en una situación desesperada?

A tráves de la novela se puede apreciar muchas falencias del hombre. El alcalde del lugar era un hombre avaro y que quería imponer su autoridad, un hombre bueno que la vida convirtió en malo, como lo es el extranjero, el cual por las degracias decide ofrecer tan terrible propuesta. Chantal, la única joven del pueblo, que por un sueño deja todo, llegando incluso a acostarse con los huespedes del hotel, en el cual trabaja, con la esperanza de que alguno de ellos la lleve consigo.

Un tema muy importante es el poder del dinero, este puede influenciar en buena y mala manera. Ya que el oro supuestamente iba a mejorar al pueblo e iba a dar prosperidad a la zona. Es aquí donde el dinero juega un papel importante dentro de la historia ya que decide quién debe vivir.

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online Paulo Coelho EL DEMONIO Y LA SEÑORITA PRYM clica aqui, click here download

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Udtrykket "e-bog begynder med en e, som vi nogensinde har forklaret, elektronisk. Det er en" elektronisk bog ", derfor.

Udtrykket "e-bog begynder med en e, som vi nogensinde har forklaret, elektronisk. Det er en" elektronisk bog ", derfor.

Men bogen kan betyde to forskellige ting, som i:

* Jeg har tabt en bog på gulvet
* Jeg har skrevet en bog

I førstnævnte tilfælde en refererer til fastlandet ( "sæt af mange ark papir eller lignende materiale, der er bundet, udgør en volume"), og andet indhold (videnskabelig, litterær eller enhver anden udvidelse volumen nok til at danne, som kan trykkes eller andre medier, "er de to definitioner af den seneste udgave af ordbogen i Academy). Indkaldelsen, at skelne, book1 og libro2

Og nogle gange, ingen ved, hvad der præcist en tale:

* Jeg kan godt lide denne bog ... (mens hun kærtegner)

Nå, kan inden for elektronisk publicering gøre det samme, eller endnu mere kompliceret:

* En e-book1, eller electrónico1 bog er "dedikeret enhed, dvs en enhed, at nogen har gjort at kun tjener til at læse bøger electrónicos2. Er" genpåfyldelig flaske ", som vi nogensinde har talt.

e-book1 italienske Myfriend

En e-book2 eller email2 bog er det arbejde, vi læser i en elektronisk enhed.

De bøger har som regel proprietære formater electrónicos1: et skuespil (eller bog email2) købt til en model, der ikke kan læses i en anden. I dag er der forskellige modeller i forskellige faser af gennemførelsen: links.

Electrónicos2 bøger, ikke kun læse i bøger, electrónicos1, men også på enheder egner sig også til andre ting, såsom:

en computer: her er en titel vises på skærmen på en computer:

en kalender, digital assistent, Pocket PC, eller som vi ynder at kalde:

Vigtigheden af beeing Ernest, som Oscar Wilde, i Microsoft Reader-format, i en dagbog Compaq

Email2 Men en bog er altid en fil (som har været redaktør på nettet, eller vi køber i et virtuelt bibliotek), og kom ud eller overføres til din computer, inden der har omkring dette maleri:

Arkivet af betydningen af beeing Ernest: den anden fra højre

At konvertere en af disse filer til noget læsbar programmer er læsere, for eksempel Adobe PDF eBook Reader eller Microsoft Reader (links). Disse programmer gør et sæt af data i en letlæselig bog, undertiden et klassisk look velkendte:

En rangle af småsten, essay offentliggjort af Corporation i Adobe BookVirtual

Programmerne kan læserne af bøgerne sider electrónicos2 kan ske, og til tider understrege og score. De normalt giver mulighed for læseren indstille størrelsen eller brødtekst. Men de har også systemer, der omhandler ikke kan læses, hvis der ikke er betalt, der forhindrer en enhed monteret på et arbejde, overgår til en anden, og så videre. Som i verden af software, som regel et værk skabt et system kan ikke læse en anden. Formater er læse-orienterede skærmen i stedet for trykning af arbejdet.

Men der er generelle formål programmer, der kan køre som software læsere, for eksempel: browsere eller Internet-browsere:

En nittende århundrede arbejde i det virtuelle bibliotek Miguel de Cervantes

En Internet-browser program virker lyder kodet i HTML, sprog på internettet. Sæt den side til den ønskede størrelse eller ændre skriftstørrelsen. De arbejder i dette format er åbent for alle de overgår til en anden læser, udskrive eller computer forandring. Mange enkeltpersoner og INTITUCIONES i nettet stille værker gratis til rådighed for offentligheden: links.

Endelig electrónicos2 bøger, der har en virtuel eksistens, som filer, der gemmer forfatter eller udgiver, indtil det øjeblik, en læser ønsker at købe en, og bundet derefter trykt og. Disse kaldes instant bøger eller print on demand: links.

software læsere:

Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader:

Microsoft Reader

electrónicos2 boghandlere:


Barnes & Noble:

electrónicos2 bogforlag:

BookVirtual Corporation

åbne værker (i HTML):

For eksempel denne historie af mine:

Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes:

instant bøger:

En on-demand-udgivelse projekter på universitetet i Salamanca

Youcantouch: en redaktør af deres egne instant kunstbøger:

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc., he surprised investors and the general public to submit their iPad

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc., he surprised investors and the general public to submit their iPad, a tablet that will compete directly with e-book readers like Amazon's Kindle, where you can download books, newspapers and magazines, iPad but also includes various applications that make it more attractive as a 9.7 inch screen colors, capable of playing high definition video, store photos, play games, connect to broadband Internet and store music on your hard drive come in three versions, 16, 32 and 64 GB.

According to Bloomberg, a Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty told investors that Apple plans to sell 4 million this year iPads. Jobs said the 16GB model will cost $ 499, the 32 GB will be priced at $ 599 and the 64 GB will cost $ 699.

Bloomberg also quoted Ashok Kumar, director of Northeast Securities Inc., who said that "in the first year of launch had sales of iPhone and iPod for about 6 million units ... it is very likely to reach those numbers iPad .

During the presentation, Steve Jobs emphasized that "the iPad is our most advanced technology in a magical device and revolutionary, a great price."

Apple on Monday released its report for the first quarter of its current fiscal year: posted a net profit of 3.38 billion, almost 50% over the same period in 2008. The total turnover reached a record 15 thousand 680 million dollars, up 32% over the past three months the previous year. Jobs said in a statement that if one considers the full year revenues, Apple now exceeds 50 billion dollars in sales.

Jobs, who looked thin but with a look very healthy, told reporters that to date has sold 250 million iPods since 2001, that already with 284 shops which had an influx of 50 million visitors in the last quarter and its App Store or shop online applications to date has had 3 billion downloads.

"With these figures Apple has become the largest company in the world of mobile devices, ahead of companies like Sony, Samsung and even Nokia, the biggest maker of cellphones," said Jobs.

During the presentation of the iPad in the Yerba Buena Center in this city, Jobs showed the performance of your new device whose operation is 99% with the fingers. It has a thickness of 1 inch and a half and weighs 680 grams. Highlighted the roles to view photos, read news on the Internet and other applications like a calendar, a directory and mapping service.

Jobs showed a picture of a Kindle from Amazon and compared it with the experience of reading a book in the iPad, showing the change of pages, the ability to enlarge text and view photos and color illustrations. He also announced the creation of the iBook Store, a service that will function like iTunes, where it will be possible to download books, newspapers and articles. Also can buy songs, TV shows and movies. He did not mention books to lower costs.

The iPad will be available in the U.S. within 60 days, and there will be versions with 3G capabilities in 90 days. The first models will come by default with WiFi or wireless internet, bluetooth 2, microphone, battery and 10 hours with materials free of contaminants. The iPad will be added as accessories such as a dock to make it stop, a keyboard and a carrying case.

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

e-book: It's like a scrapbook. A notebook with hardcover magic behind.


It's like a scrapbook. A notebook with hardcover magic behind. Is usually thin and the size of a sheet, but is a powerful invention. We're talking about e-book reader: a pocket gossip is almost like a library. We carry everything. Novels, poems, comics, the Bible or a children's tale. Any book can be in one of those digital readouts.

The key to the invention is that it takes a single sheet of paper. But is electronic paper that is printed and cleared by simply pressing a button. We chose the book you want in a list and started reading it as if by magic. More advanced readers also connect to the Internet without wires. Very soon we use an eBook reader for reading news, sports and weather. Just press a button to display the front page of the Quixote, in a Greek tragedy or a Superman comic.

To discuss everything surrounding the world electronic book we have the presence of Mark Holy, Director of the magazine Computer Hoy and Hoy Sound & Picture.

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010

EPUB (or ePub) stands for electronic publication and is the current standard for publishing electronic books

iBooks y iBookstore, la apuesta por los libros electrónicos de Apple

EPUB (or ePub) stands for electronic publication and is the current standard for publishing electronic books. It is not a new format, in fact, version 2.0 is standard since 2007, but now needs to talk about it because Apple has decided that its iBookstore based on that standard. Let us see what is and what are their possibilities and disadvantages for the end user, who after all, is what interests us.

An overview: it offers ePub

First let us see the advantages since it has a couple pretty good when it comes to choose as the format for electronic books:

* This is a standard and is based on standards, ensuring compatibility between all systems that support it, without causing strange effects (including selection of text within a PDF, which is totally unpredictable).
* Use Unicode necessarily, which ensures that there are problems of text encoding, which is written in Japanese will be in Japanese and what is written in Spanish (including accents and ñ) will be in Spanish, no characters nonexistent.
* It is a dynamic and expandable format, supports both text and pictures, even videos that can be embedded anywhere in the document.

However, it also has a drawback rather important and I hope to resolve in upcoming revisions to the standard:

* You are too focused on text publications, and although these correctly and presents them without SQUARED, not so with other image-based publications such as comic books or magazines. Despite enduring images and video format such representation adapts to the device where they are displayed so that the bullets from a comic strip could be SQUARED, making it totally unreadable.

ePub inside: knowing the format

The format is a file. Epub, a container (like our applications. App) that contains three key files:

* Open Publication Structure (OPS) 2.0: This is an XHTML document (which are based websites) that determines the structure of the publication as well as the style is linked through a subset of CSS, Style Sheet called OPS, found in the OCF.
* Open Packaging Format (OPF) 2.0: Determine the structure is the container itself. Epub. It is based on XML and consists of two files:
o A. opf that contains all the metadata of the publication, from the title and language to where the files and text style determines the content.
o A. NXC containing the table of contents (forgive the redundancy), ie, chapters and where they are.
* OEBPS Container Format (OCF) 1.0: Another container, but this time with some relevant information: the content. This is a ZIP compressed archive where the files that make up the publication, text, images, style sheets, anything other than the above is here.

Once the structure view. Epub is to say that everything is based on web standards, so any web developer could, without exorbitant effort, make a. Epub manually, but luckily there are tools that allow us to make them without touching anything code.
Making our ePub: some tools

We will not get into a macrotutorial for ePub (although you might think for a future entry) are only going to give a few touches of the programs that can be used in Mac OS X to create content in this format. Always aiming at what Jobs said about "small publishers" and that the iBookstore would accommodate any "editorial" that he wanted to, and does not this mean that individuals can do it too? (While all this is pure thoughts, nothing confirmed) Let's see some programs:

* Adobe InDesign CS4: The first being perhaps best known, and also the most expensive. The design tool supports publications since version Adobe CS4 export content ePub format.
* Sigil: This is a complete editor and open source ePub that works across multiple platforms, including Mac OS X. Perhaps it is best to have an all in one to a very low cost, zero.
* IStudio Publisher: The way Adobe InDesign, albeit at a much lower cost ($ 49.99 single license), it is a content publishing tool that allows export in ePub format.
* Gauge: This is a converter, in order to go from almost any format to almost any other, selected eBook reader that we have, is free (the author accepts donations) and multiplatform.


I think Apple has chosen well. The ePub format is fairly complete, while you may be unfortunate for some things, it is the standard and this is the most important. Surely the problems are fixed in future versions, becoming a full format and perfect for its purpose. On the other hand is a format widely supported by the e-book readers currently on the market, except the Amazon Kindle, which somehow hidden from us (except the random decision Store) does not support this format.

In a world where proprietary formats PDF and took precedence over the standard, Apple has taken a dramatic turn of events offering support only to ePub, although that might have created their own format or use some other already established by them, such as iTunes LP.

What do you think of ePub now that I know a little more? Do you think a good choice for Apple? "I would be ashamed to publish your books in iBookstore?

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online James Patterson - Witch and Wizard clica aqui, click here download

book cover of   Witch and Wizard   by  Gabrielle Charbonnet and   James Patterson

Witch and Wizard

Everything is about to change. The government has seized control of every aspect of society, and now kids are disappearing. For 15 year-old Wisty and her older brother Whit, life turns upside-down when they are hauled out of bed one night, separated from their parents, and thrown into a secret compound for no apparent reason. It's clear that the new government will stop at nothing to suppress Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Being a Normal Teenager.

For the sister and brother, the chaos started when Whit's girlfriend, Celia, was spirited away in a black van, never to be seen or heard from again. Locked inside their cells, the two fear that they have been taken to the very same complex that swallowed Celia and realize that a daring escape is their only hope of survival.

While imprisoned together, Wisty and Whit start exhibiting strange abilities and powers they never knew they possessed. Their new talents lead them to believe that maybe there is a reason they were singled out. Can this newly minted witch and a wizard master their skills in time to save themselves, their parents--and maybe the world?

E-book e-reader libro electrónico descarga gratis online James Patterson - Witch & Wizard clica aqui, click here download

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

表达“电子书了电子开始,因为我们曾经解释说,电子方式。这是”电子书“,因此。 但是,这本书可以指两个不同的东西,如:






*我喜欢这本书... (当她抚摸)









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